Class Dojo
Class Dojo is the platform school will be using to contact parents and carers with key information. To download the app, please click on the link below:
Your child will have brought home a letter with instructions on how to connect to their account. If you have any questions about this, please contact the school office using this email address:
What it will be used for
First and foremost, Class Dojo is our primary messaging service for the school to contact parents/carers. Teachers and Leaders will use it for the following purposes:
- To let you know something amazing your child has done in school
- To remind you about PE lessons
- To contact you about any home learning e.g. reading
- To post updates of learning that is happening in class
- To post updates of events happening across the school
- To post letters that your child will be bringing home
- To communicate key information
- To provide a secure place for your child to access their logins for various apps that we use
The videos below explain how to install and set up Class Dojo through a browser and also on your tablet.
Accessing on a Web Browser
Accessing on a Tablet
Changing The Language
Watch the video below to see how to change the language of your account once you are set up.