Queens CofE Academy

Learning and Growing In The Love of God...

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At Queens Church of England Academy, we see homework as a tool that can support the children's in class learning. We have chosen to set most of our homework online using the following resources, with the addition of home reading:


Year 3 & 4 

Bi-weekly Reading books 

Times Table Rockstars 5 mins a day 

Weekly Times Table practice books

Weekly spellings


Year 5 & 6 

Bi-weekly Reading books 

Times Table Rockstars 5 mins a day 

Weekly CPG Maths revision books

Weekly spellings


Each week children are expected to complete at least 5 minutes daily on TTR, practise spellings taught in school and read at home daily. Children in Year 6 will have additional homework and other children may be offered additional optional homework. Any issues, please contact your teacher via Class Dojo. 


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