At Queens, we have devised a curriculum where we can ensure that children’s learning is embedded into the long-term memory. We have created a breadth of study which means that all pupils receive the highest quality education, experiences and opportunities across the key stage.
Intent Aspiration, opportunity and respect drive our curriculum to ensure that the pupils that pass through Queens Academy C of E School have the opportunity to develop fully their cultural capital. Linking with our Christian Cultures and Values as well as our British Values, we aim to develop children both academically and spiritually. Carefully crafted threshold concepts thread through all our subject content and there are milestones set to achieve across a 2 year period ensuring clear steps of progression. |
Implementation At Queens, we understand that learning is the change occurring when information moves from the working memory to the long-term memory. The curriculum at Queens is delivered in a way that ensures, regardless of content, threshold concepts are well spaced and regularly repeated. This approach enables the embedding of key skills, vocabulary and knowledge. |
Impact Teachers and leaders are able to assess confidently standards in every subject across the year due to our newly developed assessment systems. Desired outcomes and endpoints of an end of Year 6 child are clearly laid out in our stage 3 milestones. Milestone checklists are used to ensure a balanced coverage and also make assessment judgements of pupil progress. |