Queens CofE Academy

Learning and Growing In The Love of God...

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Year 5

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Welcome to Year 5!


Our teachers in Year 5 are:


My name is Miss Weeks and I teach Year 5 in Mandela class. 

This is not only my first year at Queens but my first year of teaching! It has been amazing and I can't wait for the next couple of terms ahead. 


My name is Miss Winn - I teach in Year 5 in Curie class and excitedly, this is my first year teaching at Queens! I am responsible for leading History and Geography in our school and our approach to teaching the curriculum in these subjects, which we do through a narrative approach. 


My name is Miss Wilkinson - I teach in Year 5, Attenborough class! I am responsible for the 'Outdoor Explorers' after school club, for which children from all year groups meet weekly to transform and improve our school gardens. I, like all teachers here at Queens, celebrate diversity and love being colourful, creative and unique! I also plan English in Year 5, and love to incorporate immersive experiences that inspire all senses.. such as, most recently, eating popcorn during lessons to help us describe the flavour, or smelling Lush bath bombs to help us describe scents! 

Spring Term Curriculum In Action


In Spring 2, we are studying The Mayan civilisation in History and have an exciting whole day Mayan workshop in school coming up! We also have some talks from some nurses from the NHS to encourage us to go into careers in nursing and working at hospitals. In Science, we are studying properties and changes of materials, where we will be investigating and experimenting to see how materials interact with each other and how they behave. We also have our Art day and another DT day coming up, where we will be learning about structures - so a very fun filled and busy half term! 


In Spring 1, we studied Space and The solar system in our science lessons and we studied North America to answer the question 'Why do lights shine brighter in some places than others?' in our Geography lessons, which we also combined with our computing lessons to create a webpage about New York. In English, we studied and wrote our own non chronological reports. 

